XRM2005 (The 8th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy)
26(Tue) - 30(Sat), July 2005 at Egret Himeji, Japan

Call for Werner Meyer-Ilse Memorial Award

The Werner Meyer-Ilse Memorial Award is made to young scientists based on contributions to the development of X-ray microscopy through either technical advances or applications, as evidenced by their presentations at the International Conference on X-ray Microscopy and supporting publications.

Nominees are eligible if they have performed work towards a PhD thesis during the three years prior to the conference, or are expected to receive that degree in the near future. The topic should be appropriate to the themes of the conference and the work must be available to the award committee as conference papers, publications or preprints at the time of nomination. Nominees must have submitted an abstract on their work to the conference. The award committee would appreciate receiving nominations by 1st June so that selected nominees can be invited to give oral presentations of their work during the normal conference program. Nominations received later than 1st June, but before the first day of the conference, will be accepted but will only be eligible for poster presentation.

Nominators should give the nominee's name, affiliation and contact details (including e-mail), and provide a short (maximum one page) description of the work performed by the nominee together with an explanation of the importance of the work. Copies of relevant publications or preprints should be included.

For questions please contact the award committee chairman Prof. Chris Jacobsen(Chris.Jacobsen@stonybrook.edu).

Award Committee

Sadao Aoki (Univ. Tsukuba, Japan)
David Attwood (ALS, USA)
Chris Jacobsen (SUNY Stony Brook, USA, chair.)
Yasushi Kagoshima (Univ. Hyogo, Japan)
Maya Kiskinova (ELETTRA, Italy)
Alan Michette (KCL, UK)
Gerd Schneider (BESSY, Germany )
Jean Susini (ESRF, France)

History of the award
Werner Meyer-Ilse was chair of the International Program Committee for XRM99 and leader of the X-ray microscopy program in Berkeley. Werner died in a tragic automobile accident a few days before the 1999 conference.
The Werner Meyer-Ilse award consists of a medaillon and citation and is presented at each occasion of the International Conference on X-Ray Microscopy.
It is given to a young scientist whose work over the preceeding three years represents an outstanding contribution to this field.
