XRM2005 (The 8th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy)
26(Tue) - 30(Sat), July 2005 at Egret Himeji, Japan

Schedule throughout the conference week

Provisional list of invited speakers

Weilun Chao, Center for X-ray Optics, LBNL, USA
Zone Plate Microscopy to 13 nm Spatial Resolution with XM- 1 at the ALS

Tolek Tyliszczak, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
A High Spatial Resolution Scanning Transmission X- ray Microscope at the ALS

Hwa Shik Youn, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, Korea
Phase Contrast Hard X- ray Microscopy with the Spatial Resolution better than 100 nm

Burkhard Kaulich, ELETTRA-Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy
TwinMic - A European Twin X- ray Spectromicroscopy Station

Jean Susini, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France
X- ray Microscopy Activities at the ESRF

Peiping Zhu, Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, China   
Recent Developments on the X- ray Phase Contrast Imaging and CT in BSRF

Mau-Tsu Tang, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan   
Hard X- ray Microscopy with Sub-30nm Spatial Resolution in Taiwan

Stefan Rehbein, BESSY, Germany   
Volume Zone Plate Development at BESSY

Hiroaki Nishimura, Osaka University, Japan   
Development of High- average Power Extreme Ultra Violet Source by Laser Produced Plasmas

Kuniko Takemoto, Kansai Medical University, Japan
MicroXAFS of Ascidian

Carolyn A. Larabell, University of California, USA
Biological Nano-tomography

Rainer H. Fink, University of Erlangen, Germany
Optimizing  Organic Thin Films from Microspectoroscopic Analysis

 Adam P. Hitchcock, University  McMaster, Canada   
 In situ STXM: Studies of Wet Electrochemical Systems under Potential Control

Peter Fischer, Center for X-ray Optics, LBNL, USA   
Recent Achievements with Full- field Soft X- ray  Microscopy to Study Magnetic Nanostructures

Wenbing Yun, Xradia, USA   
Sub- 10 nm X- ray Microscopy: Status and Pathways

Luca Gregoratti, ELETTRA-Sincrotrone Trieste ,Italy
The Scanning Photoemission Microscope at Elettra: recent results and developments
(9th Mar. revised)

Gerd Schneider, BESSY, Germany   
Novel X- ray Microscopes for 3- D and Fs- imaging at BESSY
Eva Pereiro- Lopez, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France
High Resolution Time Resolved Phase Contrast Imaging to Investigate Liquid Ga Penetration in Al Bicrystals

Benjamin Hornberger, Stony Brook University, USA
Combined Differential Phase Contrast Imaging and Fluorescence Trace Element Mapping at the Advanced Photon Source

Stefano Marchesini, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, USA
Coherent Imaging: Materials Science (Tentative)

Enju Lima, Stony Brook University, USA
Coherent Imaging: Yeast Cell (Tentative)

Keith Nugent, University of Melbourne, Australia
X- ray Image Reconstruction Using the Transport of Intensity

Jörg Maser, Advanced Photon Source and Center for Nanoscale Materials, USA
Hard X-ray Microscopy at the Advanced Photon Source: Facilites and Applications
(9th Mar. revised)
