The 8th International Conference
on X-ray Microscopy 


26 Tue - 30 Sat, July 2005
at Egret Himeji, Japan

What's New
13th Sep.
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     The Internationl Conference on X-ray Microscopy (XRM) held every three years is the primary international forum for the presentation and discussion of advances in high spatial resolution X-ray imaging and its applications across a broad range of science and technology.
     The aim of the conference is to provide up-to-date information on the developments on X-ray microscopy, including basic X-ray physics and technology, and applications to biology, medicine, material science, chemistry, environmental science, and industry. The conference will also open the door to all the new methods for observing microstructures using X-rays as a probe, including theoretical approaches.
      The 8th conference of this series, XRM2005, will be held at Egret Himeji, Himeji City, Japan in July 2005 with the support of SPring-8, University of Hyogo,  Himeji City, and the Nanotechnology Researchers Network Center of Japan.

Important Notice
Airport Limousine Bus service from KANSAI International Airport(KIX) to Himeji will be started from July 15th.

International Program Committee: Sadao Aoki (Univ. Tsukuba, chair.)
Local Organizing Committee: Akira Kira (SPring-8, chair.)
Local Steering Committee: Yoshio Suzuki(SPring-8, chair.)
Hiroaki Kimura (SPring-8, vice-chair:)
Publication Committee: Yasushi Kagoshima (Univ. Hyogo, chair:)
Conference Secretariat: Kazuhiro Tohma (SPring-8)
Aya Inobe (SPring-8)
Phone: +81-791-58-0987   Fax: +81-791-58-0988

 This conference is also supported by
The Japanese Society for Synchrotron
Radiation Research(JSSRR),
The Japan Society of Applied Physics(JSAP),
The Japan Society for Precision Engineering(JSPE),
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry(JSAC),
Japanese Medical Society of
Synchrotron Radiation(JMSSR),

The Biophysical Society of Japan(BPSJP),
   The Laser Society of Japan(LSJ),
Bioimaging Society,
Japan  Forum on X-ray Imaging Optics.
